Attracting workers back into the office environment has been a challenge for many businesses since the pandemic. For those that have succeeded, ensuring employees continue to feel motivated, fulfilled and want to stay presents a whole new challenge.
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Q and A with Decor Floor Hungary

In today’s blog, we feature Decor Floor Hungary, and Tirza spoke with us about the company, their favourite collections, an exciting project, and what’s most important to their customers.

How long have you worked with Milliken?

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The Benefits of Coworking

Reading Time: 4 mins 

Are we just scratching the surface of the co-working movement? We’ve always had the idea that co-working spaces are synonymous with start-up businesses, sharing the costs and infrastructure of a communal work space, but with the rapid increase of co-working spaces in major cities, it is also interesting to learn that the format is being successfully adopted by large corporate organisations.

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The rise of high-quality student accommodation

With universities competing more than ever before to attract students from at home and abroad, accommodation is becoming a competitive industry.

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The Social Factor - Creating a Safe Workplace

Reading time: 5 mins

As governments around the world look to ease lockdowns, companies are searching for safe ways to get their employees back to work as soon as possible. Safety, as well as, mental and physical well-being is now firmly at the top of the corporate agenda.

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Is our well-being subject to the tyranny of technology?

Reading Time: 3.5 minutes

Figures published to mark Mental Health Awareness Week show that mental health is the leading cause of sickness absence in the UK, with over half of employees suffering from stress, a third from anxiety and a quarter from depression. It’s no surprise then that it has become a huge priority for employers. A study by Bupa revealed that mental health is a major concern at board level for almost two-thirds (65%) of businesses, rising to 72% among large corporates. Mental health was a bigger issue than physical illness among employees for nearly a third (29 %) of businesses.

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Five Ways Milliken and Biophilic Design Makes Workplaces Healthier and Happier

Reading Time: 4 mins 

The b-word ‘biophilia’ has become the latest buzzword to enter the vocabulary of architects and designers alike as we’re slowly seeing the transformation of workspaces changing from grey to green with the introduction of plants, foliage and living walls.

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Designing spaces for real people.

Reading time: 5 mins

Until recently if you were to describe a green office, it would most likely be the sustainable aspects of the structure. This might incorporate the building’s energy saving features such as lighting and heating, how it is designed to reuse and recycle waste and to reduce water consumption. An increasing body of evidence is now focusing on the wider benefits a sustainable workplace can have on the health and well-being of its occupants. Ways in which the work environment can sustain people as well as place.

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3 key indicators that building standards are shifting their focus to well-being

Reading Time: 3 minutes

​October 2018 saw the Manchester launch of a new report from the British Council for Offices (BCO) called Wellness Matters: Health and Well-being in offices and what to do about it. It is one of the most recent indications that the focus of property designers, owners, managers and occupiers is no longer solely on the environment and performance characteristics of the building, but also on its impact on the mental and physical well-being of the people that inhabit it. 

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